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Opening Times: Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
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There are a number of different kinds of fillings available the most commonly used being composite (white fillings)

Composite (white) fillings

Composite (white) fillings are made from natural tooth coloured resins which aesthetically pleasing and can be matched to the same colour as your natural teeth.

Amalgam (silver) filling

Amalgam (silver) fillings are made from an amalgamation of different metals and are silver in appearance. Amalgam fillings are resistant to wear, although due to their colour, they are more noticeable than composite fillings. As such, they tend not used in very visible areas, such as the front teeth. We no longer use amalgam at Sorriso Dentistry, and any old amalgam fillinsg needing replacement will be done so using composite fillings or onlays.

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